Virtual One to One Portfolio/Project Review, Critique and Assistance
Everything about editing images, business, customer relations and more
December 5th,, 2020, 10AM to 11PM Eastern Time to accommodate time differences
About Workshop
Photography Assistance
Suggestion for topics we can discuss:
· Assistance with project development or review
· online portfolio | website review and advice
· latest photography session discussion
· discussion of photographic style and vision
· Ideas to help you with organizing your ideas and photo session itself
· Assistance with brainstorming inspiration and creativity
· discussing lighting technique, shooting style, composition and more
· critique of specific photographs
During this one to one 1 hour consultation, you will have an opportunity to ask questions about your portfolio, project or any other photography needs and questions you want to resolve. Get portfolio critiquing and advice, as well as advice on individual completed or in progress projects. It doesnt matter where are you in the process - planning, executing, editing!
Once you book the day and time, send us an email to with the specifics of what you want to discuss so we can be as productive as possible in our one to one video conference.
Please note this is a one on one consultation, groups are not permitted. Recording of the session is also not permitted and is subject to legal liability.
Additional time if you wish to extend the session - hourly $195 (this is a discounted rate, only for sessions September though MayDecember)
Workshop Program
Before the virtual class, I will ask you few questions that will help me design the best and most educational experience for you.